(L to R): PAW President Pete Obermueller, PAW Board Member Tom Van Kleef, Rep. Dalton Banks, Rep. J.T. Larson, Rep. Christopher Knapp, Governor Mark Gordon, Rep. Martha Lawley, Rep. Nina Webber, Rep. Kevin Campbell, and Rep. Scott Heiner pose for a picture following the signing of SF 20 - Oil and gas bonding-options and bonding pools.

Petroleum Association of Wyoming Applauds Passage of SF 20, a Novel Solution to Federal Overreach

Petroleum Association of Wyoming Applauds Passage of SF 20, a Novel Solution to Federal Overreach Bonding Bill Allows Industry to Meet...

PAW Response to BLM Conservation and Landscape Health Rule

PAW issued the following in response to the Bureau of Land Management announcement regarding its Conservation and Landscape Health Rule: The...

PAW Joins Industry Partners in Opposing misguided methane fee

PAW joined the American Petroleum Institute, Independent Petroleum Association of America, American Exploration and Production Council and 16 other associations involved...

PAW Response to BLM Sage-Grouse Conservation Plans

PAW issued the following in response to the Bureau of Land Management announcement regarding greater sage-grouse conservation plans: Sage-grouse population data...

House Minerals Presentation

ICYMI: PAW Presents Oil & Gas Update to Wyoming House Minerals Committee

ICYMI: PAW Presents Oil & Gas Update to Wyoming House Minerals Committee January 13, 2023 Cheyenne – Today, PAW President Pete...

Wyoming Voters Overwhelmingly Support Natural Gas and Oil Industry

Wyoming Voters Overwhelmingly Support Natural Gas and Oil Industry Eighty-eight percent of likely voters in Wyoming support oil and natural gas...

BLM’s Failure Deprives Wyomingites of Millions in Revenue

BLM’s Failure Deprives Wyomingites of Millions in Revenue The Biden Administration has refused to hold lease auctions in Wyoming for five...

Petroleum Association of Wyoming Responds to Biden Leasing Report

Petroleum Association of Wyoming Responds to Biden Leasing Report Wyomingites should take this report for what it is: at best a...

Obermueller: Personal risks generate public reward

Obermueller: Personal risks generate public reward Originally ran in the Casper Star Tribune on Sunday, August 8, 2021 August 9, 2021...

PAW Statement on WOGCC Supervisor Mark Watson’s Retirement

PAW Statement on WOGCC Supervisor Mark Watson’s Retirement May 11, 2021 Casper, Wyo. – The Petroleum Association of Wyoming (PAW) issued...